Are You Ready For The X-Men Porn Parody Of Your Dreams?

Our favorite superheroes get it on.

What better way to celebrate the release of the new X-Men movie than with a gay porn parody?

From, the studio that previously brought you adult-themed takes on "Star Wars" and "Batman VS Superman," comes "X-Men - A Gay Porn Parody," featuring Colby Keller as Wolverine and Brenner Bolton as Cyclops.

"The queer appeal is undeniable," director Alter Sin told The Huffington Post. "Hot men in sexy costumes aside, not only does the X-Men have a history of queer characters, the franchise also has a long history of tackling issues of discrimination that mirrors many LGBT rights struggles. In the 'X-Men: The Last Stand,' mutants, like queers, are 'born different' and often face discrimination and harassment because they are considered a threat to some in mainstream culture. The 'Mutant Cure' implies that mutants are a disease and this story line has a disturbing similarity to the homophobic ex-gay movement, which promised to teach gays how to reject their homo 'illness” and become straight.'"

Not to mention all that spandex, right?

Head over to for more info.


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